#1 2009-08-16 19:40:07



Zarejestrowany: 2008-12-07
Posty: 34

Downpatch 3.1.0 to 3.0.9

Magic-wow napisał:

Hey Everyone Runeic here.
So ive seen many people with trouble about Patches/Connecting.
So ive set up this easy guide on how to "Down Patch" Your entire World of Warcraft.

Its easily done just follow my lines.

Lets get started!

Line Up, Chapters
1. Deleting your "Patch.MPQ" File.
2. Running "Repair.exe"
3. How to Patch up!
4. Editing Your "Realmlist.wtf" File.

Step 1: Deleting your "Patch.MPQ" File.

This step is easy to follow.
First of all you need to go to: "~* Driver Directory Here *~:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Data\patch.mpq"
You'll be able too see a few Folders.
enGB,enUS or any other Language, Dont enter these Folders.
Patch.MPQ is located outside of them

Delete it.

Step 2: Running "Repair.exe"

After you've sucessfuly deleted your "Patch.MPQ"
you'll have to go back to your WoW Directory and find and run the File called
When the Repair Tool opens Click and Check, "Reset and Check Files".
When thats done your back at Patch 3.0.1

Move to Step 3.

Step 3: How To Patch Up!

Now that youre back at patch 3.0.1
You'll have to patch back up to 3.0.9
Magic-WoW Runs on Patch 3.0.9

Now you can do this the easy way.
and thats via Retail; by double clicking WoW.exe/Blizzard Launcher.
( I Prefer this method, its clean and easy since all the files come from http://www.worldofwarcraft.com itself. you can do this over night, I suggest doing this during the weekends ! )

The Hard ~* Most Long taking way *~:

There's also a way to bypass this all and thats by download all the patches,installing them Manualy.


3.0.1 ---> 3.0.2 : Patch 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
3.0.2 ---> 3.0.3 : Patch 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
3.0.3 ---> 3.0.8 : Patch 3.0.3 to 3.0.8
3.0.8 ---> 3.0.8a : Patch 3.0.8 to 3.0.8a
3.0.8a ---> 3.0.9 : Patch 3.0.8a to 3.0.9

This will take long. and I dont recommand using this method.
I recommand using the Method via the Blizzard Launcher.

When your done with this step, Move on to the Final and last Step, Step 4.

Step 4: Editing Your "Realmlist.wtf" File.

You'll be able to find the "Realmlist.wtf" File in:

"~* Driver Directory Here *~:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Data\enUS or enGB (Your Version)\realmlist.wtf"

Right Click and open up with WordPad.

Now you'll see something like this:
set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com
set patchlist us.version.worldofwarcraft.com

You'll need to delete "set patchlist us.version.worldofwarcraft.com"
And you'll need to change "set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com"

set realmlist logon.magic-wow.com

Save and Close.
Now you can register an Account here: http://magic-wow.com/register.php
Wait a few Minutes and youre all ready to play !

Now that wasnt that hard was it ?

Have fun in Magic-WoW !

niechcialo mi sie tlumaczyc moze jak bd mial chwilke

Stormiq [70BE] - mage || Stormiku [70BE] - pala || Wydupczacz [70UD] - warr || Mistrzun [70BE] -lock || Vrozex [70BE] - priest



#2 2009-08-17 05:33:07



Skąd: Kraków
Zarejestrowany: 2009-03-22
Posty: 85

Re: Downpatch 3.1.0 to 3.0.9

Może ja to przetłumaczę też, jak będę miał chwilkę.

Tłumaczenie napisał:

Widziałem wielu ludzi, którzy mają problemy z połączeniem do MagicWoW
Więc napisałem ten poradnik "Jak wrócić WoWa do patcha 3.0.9".
To nie jest trudne, tylko podążaj za poradnikiem.

No to jazda!

Lista czynności:
1. Usuwanie pliku "Patch.MPQ".
2. Uruchamianie "Repair.exe"
3. Patch'owanie do 3.0.9
4. Edycja pliku "Realmlist.wtf".

Krok 1: Usuwanie pliku "Patch.MPQ".

To prosty krok.
Na początku musisz iść do lokacji: "~* Dysk *~:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Data\patch.mpq"
Zobaczysz tam kilka folderów:
enGB,enUS lub jakikolwiek inny język, Nie otwieraj ich!
Patch.MPQ znajduje się poza nimi.

Usuń go.

Krok 2: Uruchamianie "Repair.exe"

Po wykonaniu kroku 1.
będziesz musiał udać się do głównego katalogu WoW, a tam znaleźć i uruchomić program o nazwie
Kiedy program jest otwarty,zaznacz i uruchom "Reset and Check Files".
Kiedy program zakończy działanie, będziesz na patch'u 3.0.1

Krok 3: Patch'owanie do 3.0.9

Skoro jesteś na patchu 3.0.1
Musisz wrócić do to 3.0.9
Magic-WoW działa na 3.0.9

Prosta wersja:
Włączasz WoW.exe/Blizzard Launcher i czekasz aż Blizz sam dostarczy niezbędnego patch'a.
( Wg mnie to lepsza metoda, ponieważ patche ściagaja się z samego http://www.worldofwarcraft.com . Możesz to zrobić przez noc, sugeruję przez weekendy)

trudna ~* Najwięcej czasu zabierająca wersja *~:
Ściągasz patch'e z internetu i instalujesz je manualnie

3.0.1 ---> 3.0.2 : Patch 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
3.0.2 ---> 3.0.3 : Patch 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
3.0.3 ---> 3.0.8 : Patch 3.0.3 to 3.0.8
3.0.8 ---> 3.0.8a : Patch 3.0.8 to 3.0.8a
3.0.8a ---> 3.0.9 : Patch 3.0.8a to 3.0.9

To zazwyczaj długo trwa.

Step 4: Edycja pliku "Realmlist.wtf".

Możesz znaleźć plik "Realmlist.wtf" w folderze:

"~* Dysk *~:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Data\enUS or enGB (twoja wersja)\realmlist.wtf"

PPM i edytuj za pomocą Notatnika:
Zobaczysz coś takiego:


set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com
set patchlist us.version.worldofwarcraft.com

Musisz usunać "set patchlist us.version.worldofwarcraft.com"
i nadpisać "set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com"


set realmlist logon.magic-wow.com

Zapisz i zamknij.

Nie było tak ciężko, no nie?

Dobrej zabawy na Magic-WoW !




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